Rebuilding communities

Many individuals when they hear 'America in Bloom' equate the focus only on flowers. AIB is so much more. The following no-profit organization is just one of many that is contributing in their own way to making communities vibrant entities. For almost 25 years, Rebuilding Together has provided extensive home rehabilitation and modification services to homeowners in-need. The network of 187 affiliated non-profits brings together 100,000 volunteers and completes nearly 10,000 projects each year. They more than double the value of every dollar donated. Collectively, They have reinvested over $1.5 billion in market value into the communities they serve. With the help of everyday citizen volunteers, skilled tradespeople, the support of local business and major corporate partners, Rebuilding Together affiliates make life better for thousands of low-income homeowners every year. Their work positively impacts the condition of the surrounding community as well, through community center rehabilitation, playground builds, and partnerships with organizations focused on energy efficiency, sustainable community gardens, volunteer engagement, and education. Home by Home, Block by Block, entire communities are transformed. check them out on .

Alex Pearl
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