Reasons’ Greetings
By Marvin Miller, AIB President
Recently, a holiday letter arrived which ended with “Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Happy Kwanzaa, and Reasons’ Greetings!” While, at first glance, the “R” appeared to be a typo, the more this was pondered, the more intentional that “R” appeared. Indeed, life often races during the period between Thanksgiving and New Years Day, and seldom do we take the time to contemplate the many reasons to give thanks, to spend time with family and friends, and to consider the true meanings of the season.
America in Bloom has indeed been considering its strategic meaning of late. Our Board of Directors is in the midst of Strategic Planning, having spent an initial two days in late November to re-evaluate our mission statement and goals. And while we made some minor tweaks to the wording (see below), our mission has remained relatively unchanged. Yet to occur is the establishment of a list of strategies and tactics we will implement to achieve our goals – something we will be tackling between now and spring.
Strategic planning aside, in the spirit of the season, it might be appropriate to consider the reasons America in Bloom means so much to the cities that have truly embraced the program. Mayor after mayor has told us that the program turned their city into a real community. Yes, the flowers, trees, shrubs, turf, and groundcovers have enhanced the beauty of many shopping districts, Main Streets, city entrances, and the homes and businesses of citizens and merchants throughout their towns. And the enhanced beauty has often led to more shoppers, more tourists, more residents, higher property values, and a greater tax base.
Yet, even with all of these reasons, it is often the other issues that keep cities involved in the AIB program. Cities report a greater sense of pride among citizens. This is often demonstrated by less litter and graffiti (part of what AIB calls “tidiness”), a greater appreciation of the city’s history and heritage, a greater awareness of the environmental impact of everything that occurs in the city, and closer working relationships that develop between the city government, businesses, civic organizations, and residents. Mayors often report developing “a real sense of community” as a result of their AIB efforts.
Along with the beauty and greater pride citizens take in their city, there are usually even more benefits. Scientific studies have shown lower crime rates, greater civility, and more productivity in the presence of green spaces than without. Students do better in school, as exemplified from greater attentiveness, higher grades, and less disruption in the classroom. Psychologically, young people have demonstrated greater self-discipline, and everyone deals more easily with the pressures of life’s demands when vegetation and natural settings are part of the urban landscape. For research and articles on the benefits of plants visit AIB's Benefits of Plants resource page.
Of course, from the AIB perspective, one of the greatest reasons we need to contemplate the true meaning of the season is to thank our many volunteers who participate in the America in Bloom activities at the national and local levels. AIB is an all-volunteer organization, from the Board of Directors and our judges, all of whom serve without compensation, to the folks at the local level who get their hands dirty planting the flowers and plants that so enrich the lives of the citizens in participating cities. We truly owe each of you a great “pat on the back” and a hearty “THANK YOU” for all you do throughout the year.
So, there really are a lot of reasons to bring greetings this holiday season. And for all of the AIB family, have the merriest of holidays, the brightest of New Years, and the most rewarding fruits of your labors in 2010. We hope to see you and your city enrolled in the 2010 AIB contest. And if any of you have a few spare dollars at year’s end, your tax deductible contributions will be greatly appreciated. America in Bloom remains a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization and your contributions are deductible to the full extent of the law according to IRS regulations.
AIB’s revised Mission Statement:
America in Bloom promotes nationwide beautification through education and community involvement by encouraging the use of flowers, plants, trees, and other environmental and lifestyle enhancements.