We've entered, now what?

Congratulations to all the towns that have registered to participate in the 2010 America in Bloom program. To our new participants, "Welcome to the family!" To returning towns and cities, welcome back.

Now that you've registered, what to do next?

For returning towns, it's easy. Just look at what you did last year and update it.

For new towns, you'll receive an info packet from the office. Be sure to read it thoroughly. If you have questions, call the office or the head of the contest committee.

Here are some tips for all of you:

- If you don't already have it, order the Best Ideas book from www.americainbloom.org. It is 240 pages in full color, with more than 2000 best practices from towns that have participated during the past nine years. You'll find inspiring ideas in each of the evaluation criteria; most of which can be implemented by volunteers.

- Talk to your judges. In a few weeks, you'll learn who your judges are. We are privileged this year to have all experienced, highly trained judges. It is, quite possibly, the best team we've had to date. Feel free to contact them BEFORE they come to your town, and ask them any questions you might have.

- Create the community profile book. This task is greatly simplified this year. You'll receive a Word template from the office.  You can either fill in the blanks or get fancy, it's up to you. Just limit your work to 50 pages.

- Take lots of pictures. Before and after pictures are great, so are photos of people working on projects. Think of ways to use the photos besides the community profile book. For example, newspaper articles, town website, blogs, display in the city hall or community center.

- Delegate! Organizing an AIB entry is easiest when you appoint a subcommittee for each of the eight judging criteria, and also have subcommittees for publicity and fundraising. If you have garden centers or growers in your town, get them onboard!

- Strategize. Closely examine the evaluation form the judges will be using. Go through it line by line and think about your related efforts. If you don't know, assign one of  your committee members to do some "investigative reporting". Look for areas where you are strong and think about areas where a little effort will make a big difference.

- Symposium. Mark your calendar for September 30 - October 2 for the national educational symposium and awards, held this year in St. Louis, MO. The hotel, the Hilton at the Ballpark, has just finished a $45 million remodel and is next to the City Park, the baseball stadium, and walking distance to the world famous Arch. We have outstanding speakers lined up and memorable tours. The symposium is open to anyone, and we particularly extend an invitation to people from towns who are interested in finding out more about America in Bloom. More details are at www.americainbloom.org.

Watch for notices in our e-newsletter about upcoming webinars. If you have an idea for a webinar, please contact me at alemanni@allea.com.

My boss is all excited about the 2010 program. Just look!

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