Streets Lined with Gold

Streets Lined with Gold
By Charlie Hall, AIB Past President

Streets lined with gold? Not exactly, but a new report from the U.S. Forest Service's Pacific Southwest Research Station estimates trees lining California streets and boulevards provide benefits to municipalities and residents worth $1 billion.

One of the six criteria that are used to evaluate cities participating in the America in Bloom awards program each year is “urban forestry.” It sounds rather straightforward (e.g. all the trees we have in our city), but it is more comprehensive than that. Judges evaluate the distribution, variety, and suitability of trees; new tree plantings; whether or not a formal urban tree program exists; qualified tree-related personnel or access to trained individuals; whether or not the city has a tree inventory or database; frequency of tree surveys; tree care and maintenance programs; preservation of heritage trees and wooded lots; and any scheduled succession tree plantings. Wow!

Another key metric (that is often hard to quantify) involves the economic contributions of the urban forests in a particular community. I recently came across an excellent paper entitled "Structure, Function and Value of Street Trees in California, USA," published in this month's issue of "Urban Forestry and Urban Greening." It is a case study of a comprehensive inventory of "street trees" within California and it represents one of the best of-to-date analyses of the value of street trees I’ve seen.

Using municipal inventories analyzed in i-Tree Streets, a computerized tree inventory and management suite, researchers were able to create a composite picture of not only the number of California's street trees, but also their species, size, location and associated benefits.

With an estimated 9.1 million trees lining California's streets and boulevards, it averages to about one street tree for every four residents. But according to the study, room remains for another 16 million street trees to be planted, if resources allow.

Sometimes it’s easy to think of trees along city streets as offering mere aesthetics, or worse, a nuisance with falling leaves and limbs or uprooting sidewalks. But what their study shows is that these trees have a real monetary benefit to the municipalities and residents who care for them.

From carbon storage ($10.32 million) and removal of air pollutants ($18.15 million) to interception of rainfall ($41.5 million) and energy savings from both heating and cooling ($101.15 million), California's street trees are paying big dividends. They even bolster property values and home sale prices to the tune of $838.94 million.

The researchers calculated that for every $1 spent on planting or maintaining a street tree, that tree returns, on average, $5.82 in benefits. Another important factor is that these trees are benefiting their communities 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

The report also highlights trends and tree demographics. The authors say they hope this information will guide urban foresters in future decisions regarding what trees to plant and where. For example, while the number of street trees has increased from 5.9 million in 1988, tree density has actually fallen from 105 to 75 trees per mile, nearly a 30 percent drop. And while statewide species diversification appears respectable with only one species claiming more than 10 percent relative abundance (London planetree at 10.5 percent), individually, 39 of the 49 studied communities were over-reliant on a single species, potentially making their urban forest susceptible to a species-specific disturbance or pathogen.

Municipal foresters can obviously use the data from this study to see how their trees compare to other cities in their climate zone or in the state. It might also help in the allocation of resources, whether it be to increase planting to address low density or species diversification, increase pruning to manage predominately younger trees for structure and form, or to control pests and disease or intensively manage older trees so as to not lose them prematurely.

Of course, we know that they provide an excellent structural background to the other landscape amenities offered by our America in Bloom cities! So use this case study as a tool to convince your local community to invest in trees!
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