Belpre in Bloom: A Transformative Story
Belpre in Bloom: A Transformative Story
By Lisa Collins
Belpre, Ohio, has always claimed the name “Beautiful
Prairie;” however, it’s only lately we’ve reclaimed the spirit of our
name. America in Bloom has given us the
impetus to make beauty a priority, and our town has come together because of
that effort.
Belpre is unique in that we don’t have a downtown. We have
two primary business streets, but no “hub” with charming old buildings or a
town square. We have a strip center anchored by a big box store, a handful of
fast food restaurants, and a lot of small,
nondescript buildings. That has made it difficult to create a sense of
community, and identify a particular place to beautify – until America in Bloom
was introduced.
Five years ago, we began with a small committee, planting
flowers. We chose the color pink, asked our neighbors to plant pink, and started
promoting the idea of Belpre in Bloom. That effort took off quickly, and turned
into a much larger group of interested citizens. We chose a Miss Belpre in
Bloom from our only elementary school, which brought the idea to kids
immediately. We included every girl who
participated in the pageant as part of the “court”, which involved parents and
grandparents of ten little girls and their peers. We put them in parades on Belpre in Bloom
floats and cars. The movement started to
take off.

Volunteers can be seen regularly, keeping public areas
planted and weeded. Our award-winning America
in Bloom status has been the vehicle we needed to transform an aging little
town with no real identity, to one that is indeed, a beautiful prairie, and a
community constantly abuzz with activity as it continues to bloom.