A Story of Transformation: Madisonville, Kentucky
A Story of Transformation: Madisonville, Kentucky

But change was afoot in the city. In 2007, through a grant from the state, the
city had acquired a new City Hall. Also,
the county was preparing to build a large new county courthouse in the downtown
area. Unfortunately, budget overruns mandated that the landscape plans for this
project be shelved, promising a rather stark aesthetic. A group of civic minded
individuals decided that a plan was needed to create a friendlier, more inviting
environment at the human scale for the downtown.
In 2011, Madisonville joined America in Bloom. Under this umbrella initial volunteer efforts
to improve the streetscape included the installation of both hanging floral
baskets and public art displays. Some
building owners volunteered to paint storefronts to rejuvenate the downtown in
the weeks leading to the arrival of the AIB judges. The first year’s AIB score was not impressive,
but the judges’ suggestions for the city were.
Invigorated, more volunteers joined the AIB effort and the improvements
began to take hold.

All these efforts over the years have proved contagious,
with people noting the clear visual difference between “then” and “now,” and
many people say, “I stay in town now.” Jenny Gibson, a downtown advocate and active volunteer said
it all in a recent quote about the improvements for Madisonville as a direct
result of involvement in AIB: “Sure! It’s been pretty dramatic. Off the top of my head, I can only think of 7
vacant buildings (one of which is being worked on and that number includes the
old Bart’s building and Blackwells, which we have prospects for). In 2011 I can think of at least 17
vacancies. The occupants have
consistently changed from primarily law and government office to small retail,
food service, and personal services, which is necessary for the district to
thrive. AIB involvement has helped us focus
on building an environment suitable for growth.
The other side of the success has been the more recent businesses’
understanding that together we are stronger than alone. In other words, we work together and help
each other to succeed!”