Company's coming - steal this idea
By Evelyn Alemanni
Before guests arrive, we usually clean up the house just a bit. Before my parents would visit, I would even touch up the paint in the rooms they'd see.
It's the same experience in our participating America in Bloom towns and cities. Bloomington, Indiana is a perfect example. In December, they printed 10,000 (!) copies of the judging tour route to distribute throughout the town. The flyer tells people about the program and what the judges will be looking for.
Most important, it's a heads up for those on the tour route to get busy. It inspires action and pride, and a sense of community. See what Bloomington is doing at
Great job, Bloomington!
Before guests arrive, we usually clean up the house just a bit. Before my parents would visit, I would even touch up the paint in the rooms they'd see.
It's the same experience in our participating America in Bloom towns and cities. Bloomington, Indiana is a perfect example. In December, they printed 10,000 (!) copies of the judging tour route to distribute throughout the town. The flyer tells people about the program and what the judges will be looking for.
Most important, it's a heads up for those on the tour route to get busy. It inspires action and pride, and a sense of community. See what Bloomington is doing at
Great job, Bloomington!